Friday, January 14, 2011

7 hours and no semi!

The day finally arrived, we got our fab Uhaul truck and a trailer to load the soccer mom van,(none of the kids play...yet) so that we can fill it to the brim.  It was just the 2 of us but little Cadey Bug was a big helper in more ways then you could imagine.
We were really hoping to get some movers to help load us up but the first place that we called last week told us that our 4 bedroom home would have to have a semi trailer and it would take 3 of their workers, $95.00 an hour with a minimum of 8 hours. PASS>
The next place we called, thought we had it...but then they decided to get rude with their sign interpreter and instead of giving us an invoice with all the rates and whatnot before they got a credit card they just demanded the dang credit card. Guess what? When you are in business and you need people to buy things from you maybe you should be a little more people friendly!
So- we ended up with just ourselves and the two wheeler. Overall our day went pretty smooth and we kept it pretty organized. Maybe we should start a moving company instead of a restaurant? Could call it TnA Moving. Get your dirty minds outta the gutter folks!
Now we are bunking out on the old house in our sleeping bags after a nice hot shower and first thing in the morning heading out the door toward our new home and our new restaurant to open.
Also hoping to be able to catch a chance Saturday to register for my Dirty Kanza 200 ride! Keeping my fingers crossed.
Loaded truck. We actually downsized before the truck and donated a lot of stuff.

Soccer mom loaded

Soccer mom part 2 loaded

Few of the goodies ready for the adventure

Our bedroom for the night

The littlest mover just tuckered

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No Move and Lost Glasses

Okay, so we woke up today, checked on the weather and road conditions...yep, the weather was not so bad, been a nice brisk 19 today! But the road we need to travel on was being reported as iced we pulled the moving plug.
We are looking now to move on this coming weather I am asking you to please hold off on anymore ice and snow until we get the house loaded and are in our new home. Please? I am not looking forward to driving a huge truck and pull a trailer with a car on it over some icy road! So, again, PLEASE, hold off on the ice and snow.
On to another note, my favorite riding glasses are missing. nothing like trying to go for a ride in the great bright white with no eye protection. I'm going blind just typing about it! Either they have been packed away in one of our many moving boxes or a ghost has decided that he or she likes them and is currently earing them.
So I either need to go through all of the boxes,( without Ang hanging me ), or just hope that once we get moved and unpacked the glasses will show up and until then I guess I just keep my eyes closed.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Took my first bike ride of the year...finally, and it was just 5.5 miles, so short but oh so sweet. Woke up to snow, another first for the year here in Fort Scott, and I allowed my inner child to enjoy it for a tad while. 

We needed a few things from the grocery store, and we are all done packing up the house minus the last minute items in the morning. So I suited up and grabbed my Banjo Brothers bag, lowered the tire pressure on my Tricross singlespeed to gain a bit of traction in the snow and I was out the door.
The roads were not plowed and the scene was nice. No cars to bother me. Just me and the bike enjoying the quiet solitude of a wintry ride.

What was funny though was once I got to the store, the employees there were shocked as all get out that I rode there. Asking me questions as to why and it's too cold, where is your car, etc. That is one thing once we leave here Wednesday, that I surly won't miss...the people shocked seeing someone on a bike because they like it and want to ride  vs. someone riding a bike because they have so many DUI's and cannot get a license. Maybe the town should think of closing some of the liquor stores here...I think we have 6 or more...
Anyhoo, finished up shopping and headed back out on the bike with the groceries on my back and rode a few extra miles before heading home to make us a hot lunch while we watched the snow fall.
Snowed all day, still snowing actually, now we are wondering if we are indeed loading up the moving truck on Tuesday or if the first snowfall in town is keeping us here in a packed house until clearer days. Maybe I can take out the 29r if that is the case and really let my inner child play!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

4 Days...

Our little family has bout 4 days left in town here then we head off to a new city and a new job. Been packing up the house and down sizing it as well, we thought moving here was going to be final...we were wrong. Hoping this move will prove to be the big ticket for us and let us create a healthy home for us all and put down some good strong roots in the upcoming community.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Official Weigh in and Chubby Babies and Mo's Bacon Bar

So to kick off one of my resolutions, here is my weight...260lbs! YIKES! Holy double fudge cake! So I really need to drop 70lbs so that whenever I go to the doctor office or jump on a Wii fit game I am not told by the machines that I am obese. Fat, you bet, but I can do things and I don't get winded...I have endurance...but obese? I don't feel like it.
Nonetheless, I plan on dropping that ugly name like a bad fish!
But I do have a question for us all...why do we as adults get all upset and stressed bout our pot bellies, beer bellies, love handles, thighs that shake like your in an earthquake? But when we see a chubby baby we get all silly and start to smile and laugh and talk about how much we enjoy chubby babies vs. the non chubby babies. And yes, I LOVE MY CHUBBY BABY! I would not want her any other way, nor should anyone of us!
Also- how can I plan on losing any weight just yet when my lovely wife has Mo's Chocolate Bacon bar's hidden in the house? Have you had those? They so rock! Maybe I can reward myself after a long bike ride with a couple of pieces of that yumminess of chocolate and bits of man's greatest cured pieces of meat...BACON!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting the New Year late!

Well, I wanted to have a blog site up and running today but I just could not make up my mind as to what site to create it on. I looked at WordPress, here, and a few others and I actually settled first on the WordPress site because I was reading it was just so easy. NOT! Man, I was like totally confused! I had started a blog on this site last year but wanted to do something fresh for the most part, so I just came back here and look, been here maybe 15 minutes and I am already blogging! Take that WordPress!
Okay, so I know we all do the whole resolution for the new year so here goes or rather, comes, mine.

1) Be the best husband and father possible

2) Be more financially stable

3) Gotta lose my love handles! But of course! Eat what I want but me wise about it!

4) Get on the bike more this year! ( kinda goes to number 3 )

5) Be a good friend

6) Endurance racing, ( man, again I think this would be along with number 3 )

Well, that is probably enough. I hope we all have a blessed year ahead of us and maybe we all meet on the road someday!