Well, I wanted to have a blog site up and running today but I just could not make up my mind as to what site to create it on. I looked at WordPress, here, and a few others and I actually settled first on the WordPress site because I was reading it was just so easy. NOT! Man, I was like totally confused! I had started a blog on this site last year but wanted to do something fresh for the most part, so I just came back here and look, been here maybe 15 minutes and I am already blogging! Take that WordPress!
Okay, so I know we all do the whole resolution for the new year so here goes or rather, comes, mine.
1) Be the best husband and father possible
2) Be more financially stable
3) Gotta lose my love handles! But of course! Eat what I want but me wise about it!
4) Get on the bike more this year! ( kinda goes to number 3 )
5) Be a good friend
6) Endurance racing, ( man, again I think this would be along with number 3 )
Well, that is probably enough. I hope we all have a blessed year ahead of us and maybe we all meet on the road someday!